Michigan Home Health Care News

Long-Term Effects of Pneumonia

In-Home Care in Rochester MI: Senior Health: Pneumonia
In-Home Care in Rochester MI: Senior Health: Pneumonia

Many seniors want to age in place because they are most comfortable at home.

That makes sense, and it is something that should be respected and always considered. However, you may be worried because seniors can get sick, have fallen, or be stressed out being on their own. You may want to go over every day but don’t have the time to do so. Luckily, in-home care providers can help your seniors out when you cannot.

With in-home care providers, you know your senior parents will be taken care of. During the winter, seniors can get sick; it happens frequently. One thing you need to be concerned about is pneumonia. If a senior gets this virus, it could have potential long-term effects you need to know about.

Pneumonia causes the air sacs in one or both lungs to become inflamed. If fluid or pus (purulent material) is trapped inside of the air sacs, symptoms such as fever and chills are sometimes experienced as well as difficulties with breathing. Infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungus may lead to pneumonia in certain patients.

Pneumonia may be as simple as a sore throat or as severe as a life-threatening illness. People over the age of 65, those with health issues, and those with compromised immune systems are at the greatest risk of developing complications from the virus.

Symptoms Of Pneumonia

Before you understand the potential long-term effects of pneumonia, you should understand its first symptoms. Each case will vary in severity, but these are the symptoms you can look for.

  • Coughing with shortness of breath
  • Breathing difficulty with chest pains
  • Changes in mental awareness for seniors
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Fever and chills
  • Low body temperature
  • Vomiting and nausea

If you start to notice these symptoms in a senior you should take them to the doctors right away. If the symptoms persist without treatment it could be fatal. It is crucial to have open communication with a doctor.

Potential Long-Term Effects Of Pneumonia

Not all pneumonia cases will lead to long-term side effects but it is also crucial you know what could change. Infection can be more severe in a senior and it can have lasting effects. Here are some things you should be aware of.

Reduced Cognitive Function

It can cause memory problems, spatial relationships can become challenging, and a senior’s attention can become a problem. There have been a few studies done that show this to be true but more research needs to be done to confirm anything concretely.

Longer Depression

Seniors may get the blues once in a while but pneumonia may lead to lasting depression. This could be especially true if they spend more time in the hospital than at home.


Organ Failure

Pneumonia has the potential to cause long-term lung issues because your lungs fill with fluid and less oxygen gets taken in. It can also cause organ damage because they are not getting enough oxygen.

If a senior focuses on their health with the help of an in-home care provider, they may fully recover from pneumonia with little to no side effects. It can be important to ensure your parents are getting taken care of when they need it.


If you or an aging loved one is considering In-Home Care in Rochester, MI, please contact the caring staff at New Century Home Health Care today. (248) 398-9600


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