Michigan Home Health Care News

The Benefits of Mediation for Seniors

In-Home Care in Saginaw
In-Home Care in Saginaw

Over the last several years, mindfulness and meditation have become trendy concepts. Even while meditation has been practiced as far back as 1500 BC, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn was credited with developing the mindfulness technique in the 1970s. Mindfulness and meditation require emptying one’s mind and focusing entirely on the present moment. This exercise, which some believe takes years to master, may be learned in only minutes each day.

To stay calm, it’s essential to engage in mindfulness and meditation exercises. Meditation may begin at any time. Everyone may practice meditation, even the elderly, since it involves sitting motionless, taking deep breaths, and focusing on the present. Meditation and mindfulness have many advantages, but several are especially beneficial to the elderly. Here are four reasons why seniors may want to start meditating right now, and how in-home care can help:

It Boosts Your Immune System
Everyone knows stress is unhealthy. Stress lowers the immune system, in brief, it causes headaches, and disrupts sleep. Seniors’ immune systems are impaired by aging. Age weakens the immune system, reducing a senior’s capacity to withstand illness. Meditation reduces stress and boosts immunity. Mindfulness and meditation strengthen the immune system-brain link. Meditation boosts immunity over time, so this should be an ongoing practice.

Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Meditation lowers blood pressure in the elderly. High blood pressure affects many elderly. Some chronic disease drugs cause high blood pressure. Again, aging puts elders at risk for high blood pressure. They add salt to meals to compensate for fewer taste buds. Meditation lowers blood pressure pill-free.

It May Help Improve Memory
Meditation enhances elders’ memory. Even without memory loss, seniors’ cognitive functions decline. It takes them longer to find an item or reply to a conversation. Meditation engages both short-term and long-term memory areas in the brain. It may benefit the elderly with early memory loss. Meditation improves executive functioning, processing speed, attention span, and general cognition, since it involves a lot of brainwork, even for a few minutes.

It Can Help The Feel Less Lonely
Finally, seniors who meditate have fewer emotions of isolation. According to research published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, older citizens experience fewer sensations of isolation. It is crucial to remember that seniors might, in reality, feel lonely regardless of the number of individuals with whom they engage. Ultimately, it depends on their viewpoint. Seniors who feel disconnected are more likely to experience increased loneliness. Basically, meditation counteracts emotions of separation and isolation. Likewise, it helps seniors broaden their consciousness and teaches them how to observe their feelings without being emotionally tied to them.

How In-Home Care Can Help Your Senior Meditate

If your senior has decided to try meditation for relaxation and improved health, then in-home care can offer support. In-home care providers can transport your senior to classes to learn how to properly meditate. They can also support improvements in other aspects of your senior’s life, like healthy meal preparation and companionship on daily walks. At least consider the many benefits of in-home care for your senior parent.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering In-Home Care in Saginaw, MI, please contact the caring staff at New Century Home Health Care today. (248) 398-9600

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